Wednesday, August 20, 2008

I am not my hair, or am I?

So I have been experiencing hair issues for over a year now. It keeps breaking and I cannot seem to get my arms around it. I recently changed hair stylist in hopes that he could improve it. I've only been seeing Phillip (new hair stylist) a month and I guess I've seen slight improvement. He cut my hair alot shorter alleging that I need to "start all over." He wanted to cut it ALL off and I was not prepared to do that so we compromised with a short bob.

Now secretly, deep down in the recesses of my mind I've been wanting to make the leap to natural hair---maybe locks. I've thought about it alot over the years and always thought that I'd do it later. A part of me feels that corporate America is not ready for me to do that. Maybe not MY corporate America counterparts.

It would be different if I was already natural but the process of going natural is not necessarily a pretty one. As much as I like how natural hair looks I don't know if I have the nerve to go for it. My coworkers already think I'm borderline militant (FIGHT THE POWER!!). If I went natural AND Barack Obama wins the election they'd swear it'd be a revolution.

I dont know. I'm so frustrated and fed up with my hair as it is today but I really am afraid to go natural. I have to at least wait until Scott marries me!!!! LOL THE END


Tanya-Marie said...

If I can go natural, so can you. Would you ever do braids during the in-between times?

conundrum squared said...

Hey, you know what I am going to say!!!!

I had the same fears, and just dealt with the, 6 years later, i cannot imagine going back.

your community will be there for you.

Anonymous said...

I can't picture you natural. I think your hair looks great! I also would love to go natural but every time I attempt I get horrible headaches!