Wednesday, August 27, 2008

When They Ask Where Were You.....

What an amazing thing we are witnessing right now.

Remember when Jesse ran for president? Not once but twice. How many of us took him seriously? Remember how we excused his defeat as just "trying to prove a point?"

Remember when Barack ran for the Illinois State Senate? I thought his name was weird. Didn't realize he was even Black.

Remember when Barack ran for the U.S. Senate? We chalked up his easy win to luck because his opponent was a complete idiot.

Remember when Barack anounced his candidacy for President of the U.S.? We thought it was a long shot -- at best.

Remember when they used Pastor Wright as means to bring him down? When they posted You Tube clips of Father Pfleger? When it turned ugly in the attack ads and debates with Hillary? We didn't think he had a snow ball's chance...

And now we're at the Democratic National Convention. Michelle has spoken, Hillary has spoken, Bill has spoken, Joe has spoken. And now we sit on the eve of Barack officially accepting the nomination to run for President. We've got 70 days to go until the election.

We did not think this would come to past. We scream, we grin, we clap, we sing, we cheer, we brag. We chant Yes We Can!! If he wins we'll celebrate. If he loses we'll surely riot.

But when they ask you where were you when Barack was on the road to the White House.....

When they ask you what you did for the cause, the movement....what will you say?

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