Thursday, August 21, 2008

What's with the blog?!?!

So during lunch I walked over the the Obama campaign headquarters and ran into a friend who I'll call "Grapey"--- the nickname is a loooong story.

Anyway, Grapey and I exchanged greetings and he says, "so what's up with the BLOOOOG!!!!???" I said, 'what do you mean? It's just a blog and it's self explanatory." He looked very annoyed and puzzled by this; as if it's a foreign concept. Mind you-- he is a guy who is on Facebook and the various Ning sites! (He also criticized me for starting my grade school ning site. Can you say, HATER?)

I took slight offense to his comment. Why can't I have a blog? Am I not witty or funny enough to have one? Am I not smart enough to have one? Am I too black to have one? I totally did not get his comment.

I think EVERYBODY should have a blog. It's a cyber diary. And people you don't even know will be interested enough to stop by and read your comments.

Perhaps if more of us blogged we could spend a little less time frustrated with no meaningful outlet. He ought to be glad I'm blogging. Otherwise I would have cussed him out !!! THE END

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