Sunday, November 16, 2008

What I Would Tell My 20 yr Old Self...

Now that I have had some life experience, I often think about how different I am than at age 20.
At the age of 20 my life was in a chaotic mess. But interestingly I did not realize it then. I tried very hard to return to what I thought was a "normal" life after my mom passed away. I so desperately did now want to be the person that people felt sorry for so I tried to act non-chalant, unfazed and "normal."

Now, 17 years later I reflect on my younger self and think, "if only I'd known how my life would evolve."

Here is what I would tell me 20 yr old self:
  • You are too young and too emotionally fragile to be in a serious relationship. Stop holding on to him so tightly.
  • You do not have to worry about being homeless. You will be able to take care of yourself just fine.
  • You will find it within yourself to develop a relationship with your father. It's okay to be mad now but know that you will not always feel this way.
  • Thank the Lord that you are in college on a completely free ride.
  • Do not sleep with anyone that you do not love.
  • You will fall out of touch with your college friends but you will find each other again.
  • Believe it, you will not remain a size 6 for the rest of your life.
  • You will find the right career and travel all over the world.
  • Kim will have 2 kids who will stalk you all the time for sleep overs.
  • You will be friends with Nsenga again.
  • You will make more friends in your 20's and 30's.
  • You will still be single at 37.
  • You will be baptized by Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright Jr.
  • A Black man from Chicago will become the first Black President of the U.S.
  • You will start eating lobster.
  • You will look back at age 37 and realize that although you have experienced a lot in 17 years, you are whole, you are sane, you are well, you are anointed, covered and cared for by God.

Thank You God! AMEN

1 comment:

Fab Girl said...

What???? You eat lobster? LOL...good advice. I think that I may reflect and see what I would tell my younger self.