When people show you who they are, believe them. Take the hint.
We often try to analyze, rationalize, empathize and categorize the actions of others but we only need to take it for face value.
I am guilty of putting on my psychology hat to determine what makes a person behave in a way contrary to what I perceive is desirable. But when I come to my senses I remind myself that it is merely an exercise in futility. I can speculate all I want, I may not ever come to understand why the other person behaves in the manner that they do.
When people tell us one thing yet their behavior indicates something else, believe the behavior. All those cliche sayings describe it best;
the proof is in the pudding
I can show you better than I can tell you
do me once shame on you, do me twice shame on me
and there's my favorite.....
continuing the do the same thing over and over yet expecting different results is the definition of insanity
I'm not suggesting that we automatically throw away a person because we think they're behavior is undesirable. I'm saying once you recognize the behavior for what it is, you have to make a decision as to whether you are willing to deal with going forward. We should understand that the behavior will likely remain the same.
If someone's behavior shows us that they love and care for us then okay take the hint. No need to worry about their intentions.
But if someone's behavior shows us that they are not a good match then you had better take the hint. It's time to move onward and upward.
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