Saturday, September 27, 2008


I have been 37 for more than 24 hrs now. I allowed myself to enjoy my birthday without thinking too heavy about anything. Today, one day post 35+2 it's time to start thinking and planning.

I have a journal that I periodically write in. Every year around my birthday I reflect on the past year and I plan for the next year. This year I am making it public so that YOU can hold me to what I say.

Last year, while I was 36 yrs old I had a few interesting things happen. I obtained a real estate license (so much good that has done!), I went on a Single's Cruise, took my aunt to NYC for her 60th birthday, I met a new guy on December 30, 2007 . I have re-connected with some friends, met my half sister and 6 nieces and nephews and improved my eating habits. All in all, it was not a bad year.

This year, while being 37 there are a few things I want to accomplish;
1) At the very top of the list I need to develop and maintain an exercise program. I need to figure out a work out schedule and commit to it.
2) Figure out what I want to do in terms of my career. I always said that I'd leave the corporate world at the age of 40. But I still have not figured out what I'll be doing afterwards. I know I want to be self employed but what it looks like is still a mystery.
3) I am buying a home next summer. A townhouse or detached home. Enough of the apartment style living.
4) Figure out if I'm going to re-commit myself to my church or find a new one.
5) Take a vacation out of the U.S.
6) Save some money (maybe I shouldn't have listed it below the trip!). I've got to stop the excessive spending on material things (clothes, shoes, purses, etc).
7) Increase my retirement savings by 5%.

As I read these goals aloud some of them seem pretty lofty. But I hope a year from now, 1 day after my 38th birthday, I'll be setting new goals.

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